
Warner Bros. Blu-ray competition

CineWipe is once again teaming up with Warner Bros. UK to give away some prizes you probably don’t deserve. This time, it’s a very fancy HMV Premium Blu-ray collection.

The films come in special edition cases and include a DVD disc and digital download, as well as the Blu-ray copy. They come with director’s cuts, extended cuts, and even some bloody collectable film cards. (Seriously, what have you done to deserve this?)

All you have to do to win (one Blu-ray per winner) is retweet the accompanying tweet for this post and follow CineWipe on Twitter. For an extra entry, you can also like our page on Facebook.

This particular Blu-ray collection includes:

The Omega Man

All the Presidents Men


Logan’s Run


Buy-link: http://bit.ly/2elbtHE

There will be a total of 5 winners and they will receive one Blu-ray each. Early winners will have preference over which film they get.

The competition closes on November 10, so if you haven’t retweeted, followed and liked by then, you’re fucked.

Thanks to Warner Bros. UK and Fetch Dynamic Ltd for letting CineWipe host this competition.

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