Game of Thrones fan pissed off with their own inability to follow a story

Former Game of Thrones fan Michael Croker is incandescent with rage after discovering that not all stories are painfully obvious and predictable, like Mr Men books or Avengers: Endgame.

Croker, who hasn’t stopped spitting since watching the Game of Thrones season 8 finale, said: “I can’t believe everything I expected to happen didn’t happen. I didn’t know stories could do that.

“The writers have completely wasted the last eight years of my life by continuously giving me reason to watch the next episode and find out what happens. 

“Why couldn’t it be more like Avengers: Endgame, where I knew absolutely everything that was going to happen, it happened, and then I gave it five stars on my blog?”

Peter Dinklage, a fan of the show who has no relation to the Tyrion Lannister actor, said: “Actually, if you cunts had followed the show properly, you’d know that everyone ended up exactly where they were supposed to.

“The fact that the last two seasons have still been utter arse water is beside the point.”

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