Disney to adapt live-action Aladdin into an animation

Due to the overwhelming success of Disney’s Aladdin, an original live-action adventure about an Arabian adolescent who regularly rubs one out, the studio is now considering adapting it into an animation, it has been confirmed.

A source told CineWipe: “Halfway through production of Aladdin, everyone just sort of looked at each other and went, ‘Hang the futuck on, this would make a fucking excellent cartoon’.

“Of course, their main concern now is ensuring it’s different enough to the live-action original to justify its existence. And they’re a bit worried that a pencil-drawn Genie might look a bit shit.”

Malcolm Fraser, who plays Aladdin’s pet monkey Abu in the film, said: “I think it’s a bloody marvellous idea. Just think how creative they could be without the limitation of state of the art special effects.

“In fact, they probably should have made the animation first. But then there wouldn’t have been much point in our film.”

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