Disney announce new film or series or reboot or whatever fuck you

Disney has announced it will be making a new film or TV series or reboot or whatever, it doesn’t really matter, go fuck yourself.

News of the new project was announced by someone presumably important at Disney’s annual thing, in which fully grown adults from around the world gather to whoop and cheer at stuff intended for 7-year-olds and nonces.

“This new movie or TV show or reboot or whatever will be really good and fun and groundbreaking and…” said the presumably important person, before boring himself or herself with their own words and then ordering a clothes horse from Amazon on their phone.

“This is the announcement we’ve been waiting for,” said 45-year-old Peter Shelby, who attended the annual thing with his mum.

“We weren’t quite sure what we were going to get when we turned up today, but to learn that Disney will be making a film or a TV series or reboot or whatever is really exciting.

“And just when I thought today couldn’t get any better, Mum said we’re having chicken dinosaurs for dinner.”

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