Film journalist starts crowdfunding page for a loaf of bread

A person who describes their self as a ‘film critic’ in their Twitter bio has started a crowdfunding page for a loaf of Hovis Soft White, it has been confirmed.

18-year-old Anna Dupree, who occasionally writes articles about Kristen Stewart for websites that don’t pay her, fails to see the point in paying for things when you’ll do it for her.

“I’ve already raised over £4500 to go to the Toronto International Film Festival and stay in a five-star hotel for the week,” she said. “Although I should technically put it down as a business expense because I’m a journalist ha ha ha ha.

“If people are willing to pay for that, I might as well ask them to buy me this loaf of bread, which I also can’t afford.

“In fact, I may never pay for anything ever again. I’ll just tell everyone on Twitter I’m doing something for female representation ha ha ha ha.

“Maybe next I’ll start a crowdfunding page for a book on how not to be a massive, entitled cunt.”

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