Marvel fan wondering where the CGI bits are in the new Joker trailer

A Marvel fan has been stuck with the expression of a confused dog after the new Joker trailer didn’t feature any explosions or hammers covered in electricity. 

Peter Ennis, who hasn’t seen a good film in decades, said: “Well this looks balls. There isn’t a single fight scene in the trailer and there are way too many words and acty bits. 

“Does the director even know how to make films? If he did he’d know there has to be at least one shot of Chris Hemsworth fucking someone up with a blunt instrument. 

“Honestly, every time I watch Thor shoot down from space or Heaven or wherever it is and take out scores of those goblin things with his thunder axe, I stand up and sing the national anthem with a massive rock on. 

“Joker looks like the film equivalent of reading a book.”

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