Marvel films are for “gurning morons”, says dead director Luis Buñuel

Legendary Spanish filmmaker Luis Buñuel has returned from the dead to express how much he hates Marvel films.

Bunuel, who died in 1983, was recently seen clawing himself out of his own grave, before making his way over to the nearest journalist to explain why Avengers: Endgame gives people dyslexia.

“Those films are for fucking mongs, mate,” said the avant-garde surrealism pioneer.

“Dog shit-eating, cat piss-sniffing, mediocrity-perpetuating, gurning morons.

“And if you’re not already a fully-formed idiot before going to see one of those films, your transformation will certainly be complete by the time you leave the cinema.

“Avengers: Endgame made so many people stupid Satan actually said it was getting out of hand, so he sent me back to Earth to set you all straight.”

“The Dark Lord has now sentenced all Marvel fans to watch my silent film Un Chien Andalou on repeat for all eternity – which is how they usually punish us in hell.”

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