Celebrity only has 400 acre property to self-isolate

A high-profile celebrity is struggling with being confined to their 24-bed mansion and several airfields.

Actress Melanie Birdhuff, like millions of others around the world, is currently staying indoors to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, but is beginning to feel claustrophobic in her theme park-sized property.

“You can barely swing a Boeing 747 out here,” said Birdhuff while standing in the middle of one of her fields.

“I can’t handle being cooped up like this much longer. All I have to distract me is my own personal cinema, two gyms, a games room, four indoor swimming pools, and a half hour walk to my second mansion down the road.

“If things get much worse I’ll have to start living in my underground city.”

She added: “Don’t worry, I totally appreciate I’m one of the fortunate ones. Some celebrities only have one set of tennis courts.”

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