If Nasty Baby were a biscuit it’d definitely be one of those healthy multigrain things or something similarly hipster. There’s absolutely no reason for me to compare this… Continue reading
Jane Got A Gun is a relatively simple western, but its title requires contemplation. I mulled it over on the train home while eating some sushi. Have you… Continue reading
Possibly my fifth favourite rom-com about a man dressed as a bat fighting an alien with a cowlick Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is a brilliant romantic… Continue reading
Unlike the steady flow of superhero sewer sludge pouring out of Hollywood, Netflix Originals seem to have discovered a way to do comic book narratives justice without resorting… Continue reading
Star Wars: The Force Awakens star Daisy Ridley has confirmed she’s been approached for the role of Lara Croft, prompting men everywhere to imagine a reality where the… Continue reading
French director and writer Luc Besson has had a curious career thus far. In recent years he’s brought us films like The Transporter, Taken and Lucy, which are… Continue reading
I feel sorry for you Americans. Choosing a candidate for the Presidential Primaries must be like deciding which STD you’d rather have flaring up your urethra. They’re all… Continue reading
The second official trailer for Captain America: Civil War shows more of the same; perturbed facial expressions, inconsequential background explosions and everyone quietly ignoring the fact that Scarlett… Continue reading