Legendary Spanish filmmaker Luis Buñuel has returned from the dead to express how much he hates Marvel films. Bunuel, who died in 1983, was recently seen clawing himself out… Continue reading
Pennywise the Clown is struggling to comprehend the obscene amount of fanny he’s been tucking into. Despite his horrifying appearance and tendency to murder people, the clown claims… Continue reading
My viewing experience of this 2000 masterpiece is enhanced immeasurably when I watch it completely billy bollocks. I am writing this on a Wednesday, which means I have… Continue reading
A Marvel fan has been stuck with the expression of a confused dog after the new Joker trailer didn’t feature any explosions or hammers covered in electricity. Peter… Continue reading
A person who describes their self as a ‘film critic’ in their Twitter bio has started a crowdfunding page for a loaf of Hovis Soft White, it has… Continue reading
Disney has announced it will be making a new film or TV series or reboot or whatever, it doesn’t really matter, go fuck yourself. News of the new… Continue reading
My dad is a football genius. He once coached a lower school team to plastic trophy glory and now he’s a freelance tactical adviser who works from the… Continue reading
The upcoming adaptation of Cats will almost entirely consist of famous people proudly washing their genitals with their tongues, it has been confirmed. The film is said to… Continue reading
Marvel’s latest superhero thing is not actually very good, a fan has realised. 32-year-old Ian Keats said he had a life-changing moment of realisation half-way through the latest… Continue reading
Toy Story 4 review – A completely necessary addition to the Human Centipede franchise
Many had doubted if we really needed another Toy Story film, what with the third instalment conclusively tying things up and allowing us all to move on with… Continue reading